AbiBinit! Litter Picking Initiative

AbiBinit! was formed to help keep Abingdon a litter free Town and foster civic pride. Litter ruins the appearance of many of our streets and green spaces and has a negative impact on many other aspects of society. Most people do the right thing and bin their litter or take it home, unfortunately there are the minority out there who think it’s OK to treat their surroundings like a rubbish dump. Litter picking is a great form of exercise, can be done by anyone and connects us with nature. It also acts as a great ‘nudge’ to those who are still littering.

Great News: Many Abingdon residents now regularly litter pick around their own neighbourhoods bringing a sense of civic pride and ownership to their area whilst improving the environment on their doorstep. Many children, horrified by the amount of litter dropped in their favourite parks and play areas, also love the chance to join in with litter picking during their walks. It’s a win-win situation both for the local residents, the wildlife, and the environment. This is not a case of ‘doing the council’s job for them’, rather enhancing what they already do.

AbiBinIt! now has an interactive map up and running, as people, particularly children, have taken to keeping their own neighbourhoods litter free, which is amazing. To see the full version of the map, which shows the areas covered and the routes adopted by the various volunteers, click here or on the map on the right >>>

If you would like to join in with this enterprise and would like your first name and regular litter picking route to be added to our interactive map, please email us at this address with the details. Thank you for helping to keep Abingdon tidy.

The Friends of Abingdon fully support the AbiBinit! initiative, as do the following organisations: OxClean, Abingdon Lions, Vale of White Horse District Council, South Oxfordshire District Council, Friends of Radley Lakes, Abingdon Green Gym, Kingfisher Canoe Club, Abingdon Carbon Cutters and Keep Britain Tidy.

<<< Follow AbiBinit! on Facebook – Click the logo on the left

<<<< Click the Colourful Link to Read the Latest AbiBinit! Newsletter (March 2025 – Spring Issue)

Future AbiBinit! Litter Picks…

Note to Litter-Pickers: you might like to know that we are working on an event near to Christmas in the Town Centre, and that we also hope to publish the schedule for next year by the end of November.

The following dates are planned for group litter picks. If you’d like to register as attending one or more of these dates please drop an email to events@abibinit.org – this simply helps with planning to ensure we have sufficient equipment.

  • Saturday 22 March 2025 – Marcham Road / MG Park – click this lovely colour poster link to display the poster which includes full details of this litter pick
  • Saturday 12 April 2025 – Abingdon Lock River
  • Sunday 25 May 2025 – Town Centre
  • Sunday 8 June 2025 – Abingdon Lock River
  • Sunday 17 August 2025 – Southern Town Park
  • Saturday 27 September 2025 – Abingdon Lock River
  • Saturday 25 October 2025 – Reynolds Way
  • TBC December – Town Centre

If you would like to arrange YOUR OWN GROUP litter pick please order your equipment in good time by emailing the South and Vale Waste Team.

Anytime Litter Picks

If you plan to litter pick whilst out and about using carrier bags you can place these in a public bin, providing it is not already full.

If you would like to register as a regular lone litter picker, the Waste Team can now provide equipment on a long term basis including their official waste bags, which can be left by a public bin for collection. You will need to let them know the area you plan to litter pick and which public bins you will be leaving your bags next to. Please do not leave black bags/sacks next to public bins as this is deemed as fly-tipping.

For further information please email the Waste Team at South and Vale Waste Team.

Tips & Guides for Organising a Litter Pick

  • Make sure your volunteers are well briefed, i.e meeting time and place. If possible offer maps of the area to be worked on.
  • Reserve your litter picking equipment in good time and ensure that you will have enough for everyone.
  • On the day hold a short briefing before starting.
  • Make sure that everyone is aware of health and safety guidelines. See this LitterAction web page which has lots of information on how to organise a litter pick.

Needles, syringes, and hazardous waste should not be disturbed. Please report to the South and Vale Waste Team as soon as possible.


We are keen to see local retailers, food outlets, and pubs support the AbiBinit! initiative by keeping the outside of their premises (front and back) clear of litter. This will help to keep Abingdon a clean and attractive place. Retailers supporting AbiBinit! will receive:

  • a certificate to display in their premises and on their Website for marketing purposes.
  • publicity on Social Media for supporting AbiBinit!.

Children’s Litter Picks

We will endeavour to hold a children’s litter pick on one Saturday during the summer months. Parents should collect and return equipment to the organiser and accompany children during their litter pick.

Please note: The Council waste team can supply child-size litter picks for groups of children.

Youth Groups, Brownies, Guides, Cubs, and Scouts

AbiBinit! is keen to encourage these groups to get involved in regular litter picking, and will help and support a litter pick as much as we can.


AbiBinit! is in contact with many local primary and secondary schools. We encourage pupils to join in with our regular group litter picks and also to litter pick around their schools. Use this link to Biniteducation to find an excellent teaching resource. Also, the LitterAction Schools web page provides some very useful material.

Email Contact List

We are always looking for volunteers who can spare a few hours to help out with administration and help organise our group litter picks.

  • AbiBinit!: Email Lynne – we need volunteers so please contact Lynne if you can help in any way.
  • To request litter picking equipment, contact the South and Vale Waste Team.
  • To report overflowing bins or evidence of fly tipping, or to request a new bin, a replacement bin, and other issues, contact Biffa.
  • To report large items of waste in waterways, contact the Environment Agency.