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The Archive contains digitised items relating to Abingdon. Each item has two parts: (a) the item itself, e.g., image, PDF, etc., and (b) a “card index” file containing all the information we have on the item. The card index includes a clickable preview button and (for images) a thumbnail picture. Items can be viewed in a flat alphabetical layout (below) or in its native Folder View – click this link to us it. These are your options for the “Show Everything” table below:

TitleImageUIDContent (excerpt)AuthorSourceTagsCategoriesLinkhf:doc_authorhf:doc_tagshf:doc_categories
1919 Victory March: order of proceedings
1919 Victory March: order of proceedings
C00003Anniversary of the Great War 1914-19: Victory March and Welcome Home of the Men of Abingdon. August 4th 1919: Order …From the collection of Michael Matthewsunknowncelebrations images
Abbey Gateway from east
Abbey Gateway from east
A00187View looking west towards Abbey Gateway, with east end of St Nicholas’s Church Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in …FoA Archive, henry-tauntabbey-gateway churches abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Abbey Gateway from the east
Abbey Gateway from the east
A00199View west through the Abbey Gateway towards the Market Place and County Hall. Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in …FoA Archive, henry-tauntcounty-hallabbey-gateway market-place abbey-buildings-2 buildings images streets
Abbey Gateway from west
Abbey Gateway from west
A00424View towards Abbey Gateway from west, with gates of Old Abbey House visible beyond. Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered …FoA Archivehenry-tauntabbey-gateway abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Abbey Gateway from west
Abbey Gateway from west
A00433View east through Abbey Gateway towards gates of Old Abbey HouseFoA Archivehenry-tauntold-abbey-houseabbey-gateway abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Abingdon Ferry and Overfall
Abingdon Ferry & Overfall & Group of Poplars
A00401Abingdon ferry and overfall Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5481. ‘Abingdon ferry & overfall & Group of …FoA Archivehenry-tauntriver-thames images
Abingdon lock and lock house from the west
Abingdon lock and lock house from the west
A00431Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Pencilled on reverse 4610FoA Archivehenry-tauntriver-thames images
Abingdon Railway Station decorated for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 2
Abingdon Railway Station decorated for the visit of Queen Elizabeth 2
B00022The visit took place on the 2nd November 1956From the collection of Michael Matthews, unknowncelebrations town-others images buildings
Abingdon School
Abingdon School
A00190Abingdon School from the south. Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 4613. ‘Abingdon Grammar School’FoA Archivehenry-tauntabingdon-schoolbuildings images
Albert Memorial, Albert Park
Albert Memorial, Albert Park
A00184Albert Memorial in Albert Park, from the south. Numbered on reverse in pencil 2638; 131. ‘DRURY Ab’ ‘f/ab Albert Memorial’FoA Archive, albert-memorial statueparks images
Boots Chemist, High Street
Boots Chemist, High Street
A00207Annotated “4” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
Celebration procession, looking west down Ock Street
Celebration procession, looking west down Ock Street
A00422The procession is probably to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond or Golden Jubilee. Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil …FoA Archive, henry-tauntcyclingcelebrations ock-street images streets
Celebration procession, looking west down Ock Street
Celebration procession, looking west down Ock Street
A00427The procession is probably to mark Queen Victoria’s Diamond or Golden Jubilee. Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil …FoA Archive, henry-tauntcelebrations ock-street images streets
Celebrations for Queen Victoria’s Jubilee
Celebrations for Queen Victoria's Jubilee
A00430View south across the Market Place to County Hall, with crowds and processional floats filling the square. This is likely …FoA Archive, henry-tauntjubileecelebrations market-place images streets
Church of St Michael and All Angels, from the south
Church of St Michael and All Angels, from the south
A00050Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 6018FoA Archivechurches buildings images
Church of St Michael and All Angels, interior view looking east
Church of St Michael and All Angels, interior view looking east
A00411Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 6019, 3 ‘Abingdon St Michael’s Ch. Int.’FoA Archivechurches buildings images
Church of St Michael and All Angels, viewed from Albert Park
Church of St Michael and All Angels, viewed from Albert Park
A00198No stamp. Numbered in pencil 8169. ‘Abingdon St Michael’s &c fr. Albert Park’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
Coseners House 1 scaled
Coseners House 1 scaled
A00191Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 4599. ‘F of Ab’FoA Archivehenry-tauntcoseners-house abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
County Hall from the north
County Hall from the north
A00177View of County Hall from the north across the Market Place, including statue of Queen Victoria Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s …FoA Archive, henry-tauntcounty-hall statuemarket-place streets images
Crowds in the Market Place during the visit of Queen Elizabeth 2
Crowds in the Market Place during the visit of Queen Elizabeth 2
B00020The Queen visited Abingdon on the 2nd November 1956 to reopen County Hall after repair workFrom the collection of Michael Matthews, unknowncelebrations market-place images streets
Crowds in the Market Place during the visit of Queen Elizabeth 2
Crowds in the Market Place during the visit of Queen Elizabeth 2
B00019The Queen visited Abingdon on the 2nd November 1956 to reopen County Hall after repair workFrom the collection of Michael Matthews, unknowncelebrations market-place images streets
Doorway of St Nicolas’ Church
Doorway of St  Nicolas' Church
A00410Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 6496, 3 ‘Abingdon, Gateway of St Nich Ch /Norman’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
E H Beesley, haberdashers shop, on the High Street
E H Beesley, haberdashers shop, on the High Street
A00003Annotated “17” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
E H Beesley, haberdashers shop, on the High Street
E H Beesley, haberdashers shop, on the High Street
A00006Annotated “20” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
E H Beesley, haberdashers shop, on the High Street
E H Beesley, haberdashers shop, on the High Street
A00103annotated “16” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
East front of Long Alley Almshouses, looking north
East front of Long Alley Almshouses, looking north
A00176/9Francis Frith and Co. ref 31696. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-coalmshouses buildings images
East St Helen Street, looking southwards
East St Helen Street, looking southwards
A00214East St Helen Street, looking southwards. View southwards from no. 22, E + W St Helen St series 4.FoA Archive, unknowne-st-helen-st town-others streets images buildings
Exterior of Abbey Buildings
Part of south front, looking towards the river
A00164Exterior view of Unicorn yard looking south. Part of series of photos of Abbey Buildings taken by Harry Redfern during …FoA Archiveharry-redfernexteriors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Exterior of Checker, Abbey Buildings
Exterior of Checker, Abbey Buildings
A00150View from north during programme of repairs. Shows derelict shed and lumber. Part of series of photos of Abbey Buildings …FoA Archiveharry-redfernexteriors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Exterior of Checker, Abbey Buildings
Exterior of Checker, Abbey Buildings
A00152View from north of Checker during programme of repairs Series of photos of Abbey Buildings taken by Harry Redfern during …FoA Archiveharry-redfernexteriors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Exterior of Church of St Michael and All Angels, from the west
Exterior of Church of St Michael and All Angels, from the west
A00176/15Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archiveunknownchurches buildings images
Fire engine and firemen
Fire engine and firemen
B00030From the collection of Michael Matthewsunknownpeople images
H & N Braggs motor stores and cycle shop, on the High Street
H & N Braggs  motor stores and cycle shop, on the High Street
A00302Annotated “2” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownshophigh-st shops streets images buildings
H & N Braggs motor stores and cycle shop, on the High Street
H & N Braggs motor stores and cycle shop, on the High Street
A00002Annotated “3” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
High Street, looking east to County Hall
High Street, looking east to County Hall
A00189Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 5488. ‘Abingdon High St’FoA Archive, henry-tauntcounty-hall high-st buildings images streets
Interior of Church of St Michael and All Angels, looking east
Interior of Church of St Michael and All Angels, looking east
A00176/15Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archiveunknownchurches buildings images
Interior of St Helen’s Church
Interior of St Helen's Church
A00408Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5490 ‘Abingdon, St Helen’s Ch Int’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
Interior of St Helen’s Church, looking north-east
Interior of St Helen's Church, looking north-east
A00176/6Francis Frith and Co. ref 31701. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-cochurches buildings images
Interior of St Helen’s Church, showing rood screen and high altar
Interior of St Helen's Church, showing rood screen and high altar
A00176/5Francis Frith and Co. ref 45206. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-cochurches buildings images
Interior of St Helen’s Church, with central aisle, rood screen and high altar
Interior of St Helen's Church, with central aisle, rood screen and high altar
A00176/8Francis Frith and Co. ref 45205. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-cochurches buildings images
Interior of St Michael and All Angels Church, looking east
Interior of St Michael and All Angels Church, looking east
A00409Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 2777, 3 ‘St Michaels’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
Interior of St Nicolas’ Church, looking east
Interior of St Nicolas' Church, looking east
A00176/13Francis Frith and Co. ref 26998. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-cochurches buildings images
International Stores, High Street
International Stores, High Street
A00001Annotated “10” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
J.N. Paul Ltd shoe shop, High Street
J.N. Paul Ltd shoe shop, High Street
A00104annotated “18” onreverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontages Shows ‘Saloon Bar’ entrance on right.FoA Archive, unknownshophigh-st shops streets images buildings
Lower Hall, the Abbey Buildings
Lower Hall, the Abbey Buildings
A00171Interior view of Lower Hall looking east Part of series of photos of Abbey Buildings taken by Harry Redfern during …FoA Archiveharry-redfernlower-hall interiors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 1
Millennium Timeline 1
The first Millenium Timeline panel (from the set of 7 on display in the Checker at the Abbey Buildings) shows …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 2
Millennium Timeline 2
The second Millenium Timeline panel runs from the Iron Age to the Plantagenets in 1300 AD. The Millennium Timeline was …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 3
Millennium Timeline 3
The third Millenium Timeline panel runs from 1400 to 1600 AD – from the House of Lancaster to the Stuarts. …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 4
Millennium Timeline 4
The fourth Millenium Timeline runs from 1642 to 1750 – from the Commonwealth to the Hanovarians. The Millennium Timeline was …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 5
Millennium Timeline 5
The fifth Millenium Timeline runs from the social changes in the early 1800s, to Abingdon’s expansion in Victorian times. The …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 6
Millennium Timeline 6
The sixth Millenium Timeline runs from the late 1800s to the mid-1930s. The Millennium Timeline was created in the year …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Millennium Timeline 7
Millennium Timeline 7
The seventh Millenium Timeline runs from 1939, and the onset of WW2, through to the end of the 20th Century. …, FoA Archivelinda-francis muriel-hallidaymill-timeline abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Our Lady’s Convent
Our Lady's Convent
A00428Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Pencilled on reverse 38366 ‘Abingdon The Convent’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
Our Lady’s Convent, from the south
Our Lady's Convent, from the south
A00185Numbered on reverse in pencil 38367. ‘Abingdon The Convent’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
Oxford & District Co-operative Society store on the High Street
Oxford & District Co-operative Society store on the High Street
A00306annotated “31” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
Oxford & District Co-operative Society store on the High Street
Oxford & District Co-operative Society store on the High Street
A00304annotated “30” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
Oxford & District Co-operative Society store on the High Street
Oxford & District Co-operative Society store on the High Street
A00303annotated “29” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
Public Library, High Street
Public Library, High Street
A00111Annotated “25” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontages ‘The Argyle Dairy’ visible on right,FoA Archive, unknownhigh-st town-others streets images buildings
Rowing regatta on the Thames
Rowing regatta on the Thames
A00052View of rowing race on Thames, looking towards St Helens Church. Taken from Wilsham Road, with a temporary stand visible …FoA Archive, henry-tauntregatta rowingriver-thames images
Speedwell Cleaners, High Street
Speedwell Cleaners
A00307Annotated “32” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontages    FoA Archive, unknownshophigh-st shops streets images buildings
St Edmund’s Roman Catholic Church, Oxford Road
St Edmund's Roman Catholic Church, Oxford Road
A00186Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 2761. ‘Abingdon R.C. Chapel’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church and graveyard from west
St Helen's Church and graveyard from west
A00180Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 5492 and 10FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church and graveyard from west
St Helen's Church and graveyard from west
A00406Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5492 ‘Abingdon, St Helen’s fr W’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church from the north
St Helen's Church from the north
A00194Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 5493 x. ‘St Helens Ch fr North’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church from the north
St Helen's Church from the north
A00193Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 2767FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church from the south west
St Helen's Church from the south west
A00197FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church interior – stained glass in baptistry window
St Helen's Church interior - stained glass in baptistry window
A00051Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5501[?]FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church interior, showing font and stained glass window
St Helen's Church interior, showing font and stained glass window
A00404Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5500 ‘Abingdon St Helen’s Ch Baptistry window’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Helen’s Church, north porch
St Helen's Church,  north porch
A00407Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5495 ‘Abingdon, St Helen’s Ch North porch’, FoA Archiveh henry-tauntchurches buildings images
St Nicolas’ Church, interior
St Nicolas' Church, interior
A00192Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 4604. ‘Abingdon, St Nicholas Ch. Int’FoA Archivehenry-tauntchurches buildings images
Statue in niche over Abbey Gateway
Statue in niche over Abbey Gateway
A00405No stamp, but probably by Henry Taunt. Numbered in pencil 6066 ‘Abingdon statue over Abbey Gate’FoA Archivehenry-tauntabbey-gateway abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
Statue of Queen Victoria in Market Place
Statue of Queen Victoria in Market Place
A00421Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 6458, 2 ‘Abingdon The Queen’s Memorial fr above’FoA Archivemarket-place streets images
Sutton Courtenay weir and Church
Sutton Courtenay weir and Church
A00044Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 5506FoA Archivehenry-tauntsutton-courtenay outside-abingdon images
The Abbey Checker
The Abbey Checker
A00157Interior of West Checker looking south Part of series of photos of Abbey Buildings taken by Harry Redfern during 1896 …FoA Archiveharry-redfernchecker interiors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
The Abbey Undercroft
The Abbey Undercroft
A00170Interior view of Undercroft looking south-east Part of a series of photos of the Abbey Buildings taken by Harry Redfern …FoA Archiveharry-redfernundercroft interiors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
The Checker, Abbey Buildings
The Checker, Abbey Buildings
A00155Interior view into West Checker from East Checker through opening in wall. Series of photos of Abbey Buildings taken by …FoA Archiveharry-redfernchecker interiors abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
The Grapes Pub, High Street
The Grapes Pub, High Street
A00112Annotated “22” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontages. Old cinema visible on right.FoA Archive, unknownpubhigh-st pubs streets images buildings
The Lion Hotel, High Street
The Lion Hotel, High Street
A00101annotated “28” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontages The Lion was situated at 15 High Street and …FoA Archive, , , unknownhotel pubhigh-st pubs town-others streets images buildings
The Lion Hotel, High Street
The Lion Hotel, High Street
A00100Annotated “27” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st pubs streets images buildings
The Midland Bank and Boots Chemists on the High Street
The Midland Bank and Boots Chemists on the High Street
A00008Annotated “5” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontagesFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
View across Market Place towards Corn Exchange and Queen’s Hotel
To the right of the Corn Exchange is Queens Hotel
A00416Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 6896 ‘Abingdon Corn Exchange &c’FoA Archivehenry-tauntmarket-place streets images
View across Market Place towards Corn Exchange and Queen’s Hotel
View across Market Place towards Corn Exchange and Queen's Hotel
A00415Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 6013 ‘Abingdon Market Place’FoA Archivehenry-tauntmarket-place streets images
View across Market Place towards County Hall
View across Market Place towards County Hall
A00413Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 2766 ‘Market Place Town Hall &c’FoA Archive, henry-tauntcounty-hall market-place buildings images streets
View across Market Place towards St Nicolas’ Church
View across Market Place towards St Nicolas' Church
A00414Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 7615 ‘Abingdon Market Place & Statue’ Statue of Queen Victoria in foregroundFoA Archivehenry-tauntmarket-place streets images
View across Thames towards St Helen’s Church
The person with the dog is Charles Pemberton of Abingdon. The other os Alfred H Simpson of Abingdon.
A00178Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 6a and 5354. Pencil notes: ‘Abingdon St Helen’s Church &c’ ‘The person …FoA Archive, henry-tauntchurches river-thames buildings images
View along Thames from Abingdon Bridge towards St Helen’s Church
View along Thames from Abingdon Bridge towards St Helen's Church
A00196Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 4247 4FoA Archive, henry-tauntchurches river-thames buildings images
View along Thames Street towards Abbey Mill
View along Thames Street towards Abbey Mill
A00176/4Francis Frith and Co. ref 26992. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-cothames-street streets images
View along Thames towards Nags Head Island
View along Thames towards Nags Head Island
A00400View westwards down the Thames towards Nags Head Island and Burford and Abingdon Bridges Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered …FoA Archive, , , , henry-tauntabingdon-bridge burford-bridge nags-headbridges pubs river-thames buildings images
View along the Causeway from Culham Bridge towards Abingdon
View along the Causeway from Culham Bridge towards Abingdon
A00183Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 5502. ‘Abingdon Causeway fr Culham Bridge’ Includes tricycle and riderFoA Archivehenry-tauntcyclingcauseway streets images
View along the Thames towards St Helens Church
View along the Thames towards St Helens Church
A00429View westwards along the Thames. The photograph was taken from the tow path on the south side of the river, …FoA Archivehenry-tauntriver-thames images
View down east side of Long Alley almshouses
View down east side of Long Alley almshouses
A00403Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 2774, 5 ‘f/ab’ ‘Abingdon Christ’s Hospital’FoA Archivehenry-tauntalmshouses buildings images
View down East St Helen Street towards St Helen’s Church
View down East St Helen Street towards St Helen's Church
A00417Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil f/ab 6063 ‘East St Helen St’FoA Archivee-st-helen-st streets images
View down East St Helen Street towards St Helen’s Church
View down East St Helen Street towards St Helen's Church
A00176/7Francis Frith and Co. ref 26996. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-coe-st-helen-st streets images
View eastwards along canal
View eastwards along canal
A00432Caldecott House is on the left of the picture, and a lifting bridge can be seen in the distance Mounted …FoA Archivehenry-tauntcanal images
View from Abingdon Bridge west along the Thames towards St Helen’s Church
View from Abingdon Bridge west along the Thames towards St Helen's Church
A00418Numbered in pencil 5351 ‘Abingdon St Helen’s from river’FoA Archive, henry-tauntchurches river-thames buildings images
View from Market Place towards St Nicolas’ Church and Abbey Gateway
View from Market Place towards St Nicolas' Church and Abbey Gateway
A00425Numbered in pencil on reverse 7190 ‘Abingdon, St Nicholas & Abbey Gate’FoA Archive, henry-tauntabbey-gateway churches abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
View from Market Place towards St Nicolas’ Church and Abbey Gateway
View from Market Place towards St Nicolas' Church and Abbey Gateway
A00423Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 4601 ‘Abingdon St Nicholas Ch. & Abbey Gate’FoA Archive, abbey-gateway churches abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
View from Market Square towards St Nicolas’ Church and Abbey Gateway
View from Market Square towards St Nicolas' Church and Abbey Gateway
A00188Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 8115. ‘Abingdon St. Nicholas Ch & Abbey Gate’FoA Archive, henry-tauntabbey-gateway churches abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
View looking west along High Street
View looking west along High Street
A00426Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Pencilled caption on reverse ‘Abingdon High St, looking down’FoA Archivehenry-taunthigh-st streets images
View of St Nicolas’ Church and Abbey Gateway from Market Square
View of St Nicolas' Church and Abbey Gateway from Market Square
A00412Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 7943 ‘Abingdon St Nicholas Ch, &c’FoA Archive, henry-tauntabbey-gateway churches abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
View of St Nicolas’ Church and Abbey Gateway from roof of County Hall
View of St Nicolas' Church and Abbey Gateway from roof of County Hall
A00176/12Francis Frith and Co. ref 45201. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archive, francis-frith-coabbey-gateway churches abbey-buildings-2 buildings images
View towards St Helen’s Wharf from the Thames
View towards St Helen's Wharf from the Thames
A00402View north-east from the Thames towards St Helen’s Wharf and St Helen’s Church. Boatyard in foreground. Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s …FoA Archive, henry-tauntchurches river-thames buildings images
View up East St Helen Street towards St Nicolas’ Church
View up East St Helen Street towards St Nicolas' Church
A00419Includes Old Bell Inn on east side of street Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photographs. Numbered in pencil 8117 ‘Abingdon, East …FoA Archive, e-st-helen-st pubs streets images buildings
View west down Ock Street, with Independent Chapel to right
View west down Ock Street, with Independent Chapel to right
A00179Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil8167. ‘Abingdon, Ock Street with Independent Chapel’FoA Archive, henry-tauntchurches ock-street buildings images streets
View west from Abingdon lock down Thames towards town
View west from Abingdon lock down Thames towards town
A00181Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil 6909FoA Archivehenry-tauntriver-thames images
W St Helen Street 2
W St Helen Street 2
A00222West side of West St Helen Street, looking south. Shows St Helen’s Dairy,FoA Archive, , unknownshops town-others w-st-helens-st buildings images streets
Walkers Stores, High Street
Walkers Stores, High Street
A00007Annotated “8” on reverse. Part of series documenting High Street frontages Midland Bank visible beyond WalkersFoA Archive, unknownhigh-st shops streets images buildings
Weir pool near Abingdon Lock
Weir pool near Abingdon Lock
A00420Pencil caption ‘Abingdon Weir Pool Instantaneous’ Not clear if this is by Henry TauntFoA Archivehenry-tauntriver-thames images
West side of Long Alley Almshouses, with garden
West side of Long Alley Almshouses, with garden
A00176/10Francis Frith and Co. ref 45204. Included in album presented to Revd. H. B. Cole, 1904FoA Archivefrancis-frith-coalmshouses buildings images
West side of Long Alley almshouses, with garden plots
West side of Long Alley almshouses, with garden plots
A00185Stamp on reverse: Taunt’s Photography. Numbered in pencil f/ab; 063; 6016x. ‘Abingdon Christ’s Hospital’ ‘DRURY’FoA Archivehenry-tauntalmshouses buildings images
West St Helen Street
A00217The west side of West St Helen Street, looking north, c1920-40.  This image includes the Britannia public house.FoA Archive, unknownbritanniapubs w-st-helens-st buildings images streets
West St Helen Street
West St Helen Street
A00221West St Helen Street, looking northwards.FoA Archive, unknownwest-st-helen-street w-st-helens-st streets images

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