Large Developments

Lodge Hill South-facing slip roads: work starts in April 2025 and is due for completion by July 2026.

“Circus Field”: outline planning permission has now been given for 39 houses and a care home located between Aldi and Copenhagen Drive despite objections from the Civic Society, the Town Council and others and the best efforts of the Abingdon councillors on the Planning Comittee. 

“Land North of Dunmore Road and Twelve Acre Drive”: work is now well under way on this development which is now known as Abbey Fields and is being built by David Wilson Homes and Barratts. There is still no detailed application for the central services area of the development (shops, surgery etc.) which is a matter of concern.

“Land North of Twelve Acre Drive”: Bellway Homes are building 371 houses and flats on this site, which is now known as Radley Reach. More details here.